Well I did mention when first starting this blog that I've never managed to keep it up for more than a few months, and I'm not on for breaking traditions! None-the-less, a few months is better than nothing. Wide range of reasons why I haven't posted for an age - things have been very busy for the past 6/8 months, lots of stuff happening and going on, plus have lots of studying to do, plus last year I kind of lost motivation towards the end if I'm honest.
So this year, I'm going to (try) and have a more varied, lower maintenance garden. While growing a garden completely full of 'tropical' plants can be a great escape and very dramatic, it is also very hard work, and when England simple doesn't provide the decent Summer we'd all love, things are never quite as fab as you want them to be. So like I said, am going to be aiming to include more hardy plants now in the garden, as well as easier to grow annuals and the like, so that hopefully the motivation levels remain high for the entire season! And hopefully help me not to lose so many plants over Winter as well, but let's not go there ;) lol
That isn't, of course, to say I'll be giving up the tropical completely - I'll still be growing some of the easier to care for and colourful plants, and I've already got 3 Brugmansias and a Canna 'Musifolia Grande' on order from Jungle Plants, which I'm looking forward to watching burst into growth this Summer, as even in the pretty crummy Summer last year, the Bruggie kept growing and flowering for me. Brownie points for him!
So, the past few weeks I've been getting busy again in the garden, full of another burst of motivation, so keep checking in for (hopefully) regular posts once again! And here's a few pics of what's been going in this Spring so far and how things are looking, just so you can track the progress over the year.